Thursday, March 15, 2012

Everyone has their place!

           Today as I was getting ready to get into a Comfortably-Empty Madh bus to reach the tuition's, two things happened,
  1.  I got annoyed when saw a couple of men blocking the entrance, making it difficult to get in.
  2. A man stopped his bike exactly in front of the door, in this confusion I wasn't able to enter into that Comfortably-Empty Madh bus! I rolled my eyes at that man very annoyed that I was delayed due to no fault of my own. I rolled my eyes again thinking about the damn situation and stood waiting for another bus to come. 
         As a Somewhat-Crowded Marve bus arrived three successive thoughts crossed my mind,
  • "Great this bus is crowded I could have just entered the previous bus" (great annoyance at the motorist)

  • "Wait a minute that's something that doesn't happen all the time(thought about chance encounters, and empty buses that other delays have brought), is God trying to do something"

  •  "Oh shit I forgot the papers!!!!!"

         As the Somewhat-Crowded Marve bus was approaching I rushed back home to pick up the Geography papers that I had checked and had to return weeks ago to the students of standard 10th. I kept forgetting to take it along and asked a student to remind me today, despite the reminder I had forgotten to take the papers along. I laughed at myself and said a 'Thank God' least God had done the job effectively!

        As I went back to the bus stop I was pleasantly surprised at the sight of the Extremely-Empty Marve bus approaching the stop.
 I kept saying thanks to God and Christ!

I cant say that I still wasn't annoyed with that motorist, I cant curse him for making me miss the bus too.
The motorist is still annoying but Thank God for him!

Whoever you are Mr Motorist.....

 God Bless U!.